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Three Best Neighborhoods in Pudong the shops are very similar in those area, carrefour, pizza hut, starbucks, japan noodle ... |
72 |
Prostitution in China here is my blog about prostitution in singapore. http://kunwei2005.blogspot.com/2006/07/prostitutes-in-singapore.html I also have no idea about prostitution in china, but I am sure it is common, you can find it easily in the so called hair washing shop, massage shop, KTV, ... |
71 |
Avoid Blog Blocked in China police wont bother to call, if it is triggered, it is blocked. the blogspot is usually blocked, strange a few weeks ago, it is unblocked for about a week, and blocked again, dunno how it works. |
70 |
Yifan Starts to Sleep Alone is it nice and wonderful to see kid growing up day by day? |
69 |
Gas Station Explosion Near my Home it is sad. is the gas station suppose to explode that easy? do we really have to wait someone get killed, and learn from lessons? |
68 |
Why Classified is NOT Popular in China, Yet second hand car, I guess, can be bought from car dealer. I would say this is a market which is not mature and with high risk, because of lack of credibility and trustworthy |
67 |
Toughest Time for Me and Wendy kid change your life...and complete your life |
66 |
Just Few Steps Away from My New Car what kind of car you bought from www.shangcar.com? the website doesnt look so convincing as you said |
65 |
Zhouzhuang, Tongli or Zhujiajiao went to zhujiajiao this weekend, see my blog http://kunwei2005.blogspot.com/2007/08/trip-to-zhujiajiao.html |
64 |
Is RMB and Yuan the Same? Yes CNY , same as USD or SGD, acronym from english, which is standard in global circulation. RMB is acronym from chinese. |
63 |
Shanghainese Girl Marrying Foreigners wow, hot topic. marriage has no common style, hard to say it is good or not. no judgmental. is shoe comfortable, only foot know |
62 |
Pictures of my Newly-Born Baby handsome boy. and amazing, you still got time to post blog on these days. you are energized. |
61 |
Take Taxi or Buy a Car? taxi is cheaper, but you have to bare the driver, they drive like crazy. |
59 |
Mac Cannot Access Internet in China it is not true, I have a PB bought in US, in china, it is P&P to get internet with DHCP. |
58 |
Grocery Cost in Shanghai, 2007 LR, about the salary, google your MOM site. I heard it on radio one day when I was driving. Other than that, your posts show well what's in your mind, and very typical. No wonder Singapore is ranked on the bottom for happiness and sex life, but top on rudeness and careless to elders. The posts say sth. in case you can't find it, read below Jobs requiring professional and specialist skills continue to command higher salaries, reflecting the premium employers place on knowledge and skills. In June 2005, professionals received the highest median commencing gross wage at $2,500 per month followed by technicians and associate professionals at $1,703. New entrants in less skilled jobs started at lower wages eg. clerks at $1,335, sales and service workers at $1,100, plant and machine operators at $1,250 and cleaners and labourers at $755. Among employees across all years of experience, the median gross wage ranged from $1,000 for cleaners and labourers to $5,699 for managers. |
57 |
Grocery Cost in Shanghai, 2007 sorry, joyce, i shouldn't be so mean on you and your post. LR, about the salary, google your MOM site. other than that, your posts show well what's in your mind, and very typical. in case you can't find it, read below Jobs requiring professional and specialist skills continue to command higher salaries, reflecting the premium employers place on knowledge and skills. In June 2005, professionals received the highest median commencing gross wage at $2,500 per month followed by technicians and associate professionals at $1,703. New entrants in less skilled jobs started at lower wages eg. clerks at $1,335, sales and service workers at $1,100, plant and machine operators at $1,250 and cleaners and labourers at $755. Among employees across all years of experience, the median gross wage ranged from $1,000 for cleaners and labourers to $5,699 for managers. |
56 |
Grocery Cost in Shanghai, 2007 Joyce, all just because of your stupid post. I dont get your point. Do you mean a SGD 1500/m spore can have a comfortable life in singapore, or a RMB 6500/m spore can have a comfortable life in china, or something else? Read the LR posts, you will know how second or third generation chinese spore think about the first generation of chinese in singapore. How sad for this mindset, with over 70% chinese in singapore. |
55 |
Grocery Cost in Shanghai, 2007 see, this is a typical s'pore attitude. they live in a tiny island, and think tiny. wake up, not all chinese came to yout tiny earn so little, it is not 20 years ago. all of my chinese friends earn 5k-8K month. yes, the average income is 1500, your government said. how the first immigration generation talks doesnt matter, because singlish sucks big time(not include those have UK/US education background) I am not in Singapore anymore. It is a beautiful country, but people's life is far away from a so called developed country. I own a car, and income is above SGD 10K/month, can I count as a expat? I dont care. The low standard HDB, dirty food court, 60, 70yrs old s'pore working in food court. yes, now you have frige. What I am saying is - you buy a pack of sliced ham, eat some, put rest in refrig, within 2 or 3 days, the ham smells. If you dont put it in frige, with half day, you can throw it away. |
54 |
Grocery Cost in Shanghai, 2007 I stayed in Singapore for a while, frankly, if you earn 1500 in singapore or china, the life sucks. |
53 |
Grocery Cost in Shanghai, 2007 no need to compare Singapore and Shanghai, just think about the humid and hot weather all year long there, and the veggie and meat deteriorate very very very fast, nothing taste fresh in Singapore |
52 |
Listen = Discover? I came across your blog when google shanghai related, there are lots of useful info in your blog, for example, how much a man usually earn, where money goes for everyday life, what the life looks like for a man in such big city, and even the comments are very informative, for example, about "shanghai is cold" entry, someone comments how to warm up the room, etc, etc. apparently for a dairy alike blog, although it is perfectly nothing wrong, since it is not intend for others, it is fine whatever you write. |
51 |
Listen = Discover? yes, your blog actually reflect you very well, when you just graduated from school, you cared more about everyday life, or in another word, material life, such as where to drink starbucks coffee, buy a house, own a car, what happened on the road, in subway, everything is fresh to you, and also to readers. little by little, those things are just routines, focus is shift to thoughts, related to your current work. |
50 |
Listen = Discover? I have to say the blog is getting boring. there were many good info about shanghai on this blog in one aspect or another, but this kind useful info is less and less. |
49 |
The Blind Men and The Elephant your english is just get better and better. this is definitely a benefit to write english blog. |
48 |
Lining Up for Metro? when talking about all this in a negative mode, think about the population in those metro cities in China. people are smart animal, they adjust to environment. |
47 |
Rumors after Rumors - Part II "you are going to google?" |
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Rumors after Rumors ok, searched and got it, rumor is WJS meetup with Google asian sale director and eachnet founder to run new business. |
45 |
Rumors after Rumors rumor is WJS will go to Google :-) |
44 |
Rent an Apartment in Shanghai amazing, this post becomes the house for rent board. |
43 |
10 Things You Love/Hate About Shanghai enough of those narrow minded stuff, "most china women ended up as prostitutes"? haha. go back your single cell and suck your own nuts. loser. |
42 |
How Xintiandi was Built 很象Mission Impossible III里的镜头啊. 就是TC拿了rabbit foot, 等人来接的那一段. |
41 |
It is not Impossible, But Difficult 做个广告.http://spaces.msn.com/oncerest/ |
40 |
Glass Doors Installed in Metro A safety measure to prevent failing and suicide. |
39 |
Glass Doors Installed in Metro ha, guess it! 先下后上. What is it now? Alight first before boarding. Ride with courtesy. |
38 |
My Boat Sunk in Dishui Lake Wangjianshuo, how much you pay MovableType now. It was free several months ago. I notice MT is not free anymore. Any other good blog software to recommend? |
37 |
PSP is Hard to Use a beautiful sunset or a wonderful frangrant flower can bring more happiness than your new camera or PSP? Who bring this materialization to the whole world? Now you guys happliy live in big house, drive gas gorzilla SUV, and sneer others? We Chinese are catching up, even it looks stupid because you did it years ago. |
36 |
Car Insurance in Shanghai The car price is cheap in US, and also cheap in China. The quality is different, for example, the fule emission standard. Talk about car price, Singapore is the most expensive one - 250K RMB is a starter. Check my singapore blog http://spaces.msn.com/oncerest/ |
35 |
Best Blog Award? Congras! Well, your English blog is much better and popular than Chinese one. If you dont have this English blog, I am not sure you will get this Top 10 Award. |
34 |
On Bokee (BlogChina) Staff Layoff Bokee's portal is really amazing. I guess they couldn't figure out what they want to put, so they put everything there. Bokee, don't you think there are too much on the first portal page? |
33 |
Xiangyang Marketing will be Shutdown? Yoyo, I go ahead and look the Seven Castles blog. The blog is boring and the image is blur. Not sure what the blogger want to deliver. Think about it. Blogger is a very personal thing. Remember this. |
32 |
Xiangyang Marketing will be Shutdown? haha, poor Seven Castles's yoyo. try very hard to lure people there, but you try too hard, make me dont even have the interests to click your precious URL. May I suggest you move your blog here, and post it in comments, so maybe more people will read it :) |
31 |
Living Cost in Shanghai - Part II China is a heaven for smoker! lots of local and imported brands. some are expensive, most just cost you USD 2-3, such as Marlboro |
30 |
Polution in Shanghai - Part II The standards of gasoline and car emission actually are different. You can guess, in China, it is loose. |
29 |
Some Recent Magazines about Me This post seems too much to worship yourself. |
28 |
Inside the Shanghai Radio Staiton The most pathetic poster is like this guy, dont know where to bark, post no sense comments, where the heck you quote "Just for example, if you ask...". I dont see nowhere in this post this sentence, post your comments on your own blog, not this blog. btw, if you call other whore, youself is a whore in real life. |
27 |
International Events in Shanghai hoho, looks not a successful conference in the sense of making money. at least they rent a ball room too big |
26 |
Picture in Shanghai Yoyo; see what I get Space not available Sorry, we are unable to complete your task at this time. The MSN Spaces service is experiencing difficulties. Please try your task again later. |
25 |
Picture in Shanghai I heard many people saying now Chinese are too focus on making money, and more and more. It is not bad, but government and society should pay attension, because this attitude can have very unstable effects too. Small effects can be unhappy, stressed, unsatisfied. |
24 |
Picture in Shanghai one line of blog, with so many comments. I wish my blog can have so many readers :) |
23 |
Picture in Shanghai BJ and SH are 2 biggest and most dynamic cities with strong culture background. The culture backgrounds are very different. So I am sure if the blogger write what they feel, there is a difference. I am not saying which is better, but they are unique |
22 |
Picture in Shanghai Tony, what you have experienced is very true in China, even some other asian countries. Generally, service people assume white are rich and generous, and it is a correct assumption based on their everyday experience. So they are willing to serve with good spirit. For Asian people, you have to dress up well, give service people the first impression that you are rich :) otherwise, they assume you are not rich, and not worthy to serve well. Not just in Shanghai, but Shanghai is more obivious on this aspect. |
21 |
Picture in Shanghai See, from all the comments, it proves Wangjianshuo doesn't post any well known news on his blog is correct choice. And also, I think it is a style of Shanghainese blog, a guy in Beijing may blog very differently. |
20 |
Picture in Shanghai Above comments, I am not sure. Let say ,do you expect an American who is writing the similar blog to mention something on July 4? it is just a personal blog, he can write what he is interested, not a website running by some agency. |
19 |
KFC Dropped Potato Wedge in Shanghai we dont want it happens, but if bird flu comes, KFC will be hit hard |
18 |
Happy Birthday To Me Happy B-day! I am suprised to see your cake is made by BreadTalk. It is a singapore chain store, now in Shanghai also? |
17 |
Closed Trackback Still internet is an eye ball catching business. Once your traffic is large, other want to ride along with, and SPAM does make money, so they try hard and 'smart'. |
16 |
Luoyang Trip Report Some cities in Henan are very dirty, in all aspects...street, food, AIDS..., be careful when you travel there |
15 |
Price Increase of Shanghai Metro yep, it is just an excuse to collect more money, people need to ride it still need to ride it unless the price incease so much that people can take taxi :) |
14 |
eGuo One Hour? Something missing - in US, manpower is so expensive, to buy a segaway is no big deal, but in China, I guess eGuo even want to the deliver guy to deliver in bare foot if possible. |
13 |
eBay China Job Opening Wow, who wrote such a long job desc! How ebay in China? I guess it will generate more problems than US because of the credibility. |
12 |
eGuo One Hour? Segway to replace bike? haha, give me a break. Do you know how many bike you can buy with the price of Segway? I guess if you use Segway to deliver Food and Coke, you will lost money no matter how fast you can go |
11 |
This is the Top 356 Blog? is your site ok? it seems the old (just 1 or 2 days old) post is now just an empty page. |
10 |
This is the Top 356 Blog? no need, if you can access it, access it, if you can't, just dont but yes! congras to your blog! |
9 |
Taxi Driver Got Compensation? Considering the gas price, and quatity of taxi, it is reasonable. |
8 |
More Lugu Lake Pictures hay, are they the socierty that woman is the central, where only woman can stay officially at home, husband has to spend night by going to wife's house. I saw the similar dressing in ShenZhen Peoples Valley (Min Su Cun). |
7 |
I Watched Super Girl, Finally super girl or other kind of reallife TV show, like it or not, it is real and it is coming... because TV viewers are tired of fake soap drama, and they want to know how other normal people's normal life is, and get a chance to peek... oh, btw, I search ms blog and run across this post, any comments? A ms guy lost his job because of his blog. how sad it is. http://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A//www.michaelhanscom.com/eclecticism/2003/10/even_microsoft.html&ei=v14BQ9jOC7jc4QGtx-gy |
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Kai-Fu Joined Google China Yes, sleepless in shanghai? I thought your site is sleepy in shanghai. |
5 |
Going Back to China? I guess you will go back if your wife take the offer from China. Salary is one thing, if you want opportunity, you should go back. Your current job is a dead end. IMHO |
4 |
Road Report between Home and Xujiahui Normally office hour is 9-5, so why some guys feel suprised at working around 9:00? |
3 |
Going Back to China? Wow! 500K RMB annual salary. I think he as a software engieer in small company in small town, should expect 50K RMB in China. So there is a big gap between his expection and the reality. I think he really shouldn't go back China. Be realistic, I think his whole family (/w his wife's income) can expect to have 200K RMB annual income. I think this amount can live a decent life in China already |
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A Car Towed Away for Temp Parking Cheap! I paid $120 towing for a temp parking at Chicago |
1 |
Airport Construction Fee Included in Tickets I read your 2004 blog one by one, very interesting! very nice attitude to life, no wonder it is one of the best blog sites in China. |